Thursday, November 27, 2008

Weird/Experimental Credits Attempt...

Here is a "Weird/Experimental Final Credits Sequence" that I did, unfortunately it was unused...

Project IV - Credits from Gustavo Encinas on Vimeo.

...but I still like it :P


See ya!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Long time don't see!

Hey there!,
There've been a long time since my last post...but now I'm back!...
Here is an almost finished "interactive animation" that I did at Cecemca (an Educational Institute, located at my university, and where I'm currently working as an Animator/Graphic Designer/StoryBoard Artist/and many

2008.Cecemca.All Rights Reserved.

And here is our finished animation from Imagine Cup, unfortunately we couldn't achieve the finals, but I'm really proud of our work.

Imagine Cup - What Goes Up... from Gustavo Encinas on Vimeo.

Hope you enjoy it!

See ya!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Unfortunately, we couldn't achieve the final round...
We did our best, and even not going to France(where the Final will be placed), we're really proud of our final video. It was the first time that each one of us, really worked with animation! LoL

Well, here are few things that I did during the animation process...

This is our main character, I designed him, based on the earlier design that Fer did for the storyboard.

Here is a chart that I did to animate the robot. (Robot Designed by Fer)

Some animations...


Robot eating it's box

Robot Shutting Down

I did these two sequences, and Felipe (Bozo) animated the other sequences of this robot.

Main Character

Walking Cicle


I did every sequence this guy appears! So if there is any animation problem, it was me! : (

Finished Scenes

Panoramic View

Truck Sequence

I animated the truck (for the truck I used expressions : S) and the rocket, such as the camera movement (for these 2 sequences), Pan did every background you'll see in the animation and Juliano precomposed the backgrounds into 3D layers, and set the camera movement for lots of other sequences.

Well, it wasn't easy to write this post, but now that Imagine Cup finally ended (at least for me!) I'll post more often! LoL
I really wanna say thanks to everyone that supported us, and as soon as I can, I'll post the finished animation!

Now, let me go back to my Animator's Survival Kit!!! : )

Saturday, February 23, 2008



After a lot of expectations and anxiety, the Imagine Cup Staff revealed the 30 teams that will move to the next round on the competition, ... and we're on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't know our exactly position, because the TOP30 was sorted alphabetically. Now we must submit the animation by May 2nd.

I'm really excited!!!
Go Titans!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Piece of our Storyboard...

Drawing (Me) + Colors (Me)
Drawing (Fer) + Colors (Pan)
Drawing (Me) + Colors (Pan)Drawing (Fer) + Colors (Pan)

Second Post!!!

I was a little bit busy, because my friends and I decided to join Imagine Cup Short Film competition. For the first round, we had to create a story and a storyboard based on the theme : "imagine a world where technology enables a sustainable environment" we're waiting for the results, that will be revealed by Feb 22th...

ps. we tried to make it look like a kind of children's book...

Hope you enjoy it!...and
"Go Titans!"

Team Titans: