We did our best, and even not going to France(where the Final will be placed), we're really proud of our final video. It was the first time that each one of us, really worked with animation! LoL
Well, here are few things that I did during the animation process...
This is our main character, I designed him, based on the earlier design that Fer did for the storyboard.
Robot eating it's box
Robot Shutting Down
I did these two sequences, and Felipe (Bozo) animated the other sequences of this robot.
Main Character
Walking Cicle
I did every sequence this guy appears! So if there is any animation problem, it was me! : (
Finished Scenes
Panoramic View
Truck Sequence
I animated the truck (for the truck I used expressions : S) and the rocket, such as the camera movement (for these 2 sequences), Pan did every background you'll see in the animation and Juliano precomposed the backgrounds into 3D layers, and set the camera movement for lots of other sequences.
Well, it wasn't easy to write this post, but now that Imagine Cup finally ended (at least for me!) I'll post more often! LoL
I really wanna say thanks to everyone that supported us, and as soon as I can, I'll post the finished animation!
Now, let me go back to my Animator's Survival Kit!!! : )
I animated the truck (for the truck I used expressions : S) and the rocket, such as the camera movement (for these 2 sequences), Pan did every background you'll see in the animation and Juliano precomposed the backgrounds into 3D layers, and set the camera movement for lots of other sequences.
Well, it wasn't easy to write this post, but now that Imagine Cup finally ended (at least for me!) I'll post more often! LoL
I really wanna say thanks to everyone that supported us, and as soon as I can, I'll post the finished animation!
Now, let me go back to my Animator's Survival Kit!!! : )
eu nao queria ir pra França mesmo :)
eu gostei bastante do resultado, acho q isso já valeu ^^
Damn indeed, but no worries, you have plenty competitions ahead of you. From the videos you posted the animation and style looks really cool. Looking forward to seeing the finshed product. TITANS REGROUP!!!
Parabéns pelas animações Gustavo e equipe.Gostei do estilo dos personagens.As animações estão me lembrando as da Mansão Foster,pelo tipo de movimento e programa que vocês usaram.Ficaram muito boas.Espero que continuem,sigam em frente!!E não deixe de postar mesmo a animação quando estiver toda pronta!O Animation Survival Kit é realmente excelente,se puder compre também o livro do grande Eric Goldberg(animador do Gênio em Alladin)que sai em julho:
Character Animation Crash Course!
Assim como fez Richard Willians,ele coloca muito do que sabe neste livro.
Bem,espero continuar vendo animações suas no blog!!
Vá em frente garoto.Vocês tem muito talento!!
Valeu mesmo o resultado, que orgulho pessoal :D
ó, o bozo já postou a animação no site dele ... dá pra postar o link e talz ...
... já coloquei no meu tbm :)
mas estive pensando ... "Imagine um mundo onde a tecnologia ajude a resolver os mais difíceis problemas que enfrentamos hoje" .... hahahaha
saiu o site oficial hein: http://imaginecup.com
até ! o/
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